astrologie logiciels applications AstroQuick Astrology software AstroQuick Mac PC Astrologie AstroQuick 10 Parc Club du Millenaire - 1025 avenue Henri Bequerel F 34000 Montpellier T.+33 0 761 039 882
Astrology software Macintosh AstroQuick
Astrology software for Apple Macintosh astrology shareware Mac OS X classic professionnal astrology software Macintosh OS X free download Astrology personal reports natal forecast Free download astrology shareware for mac os Order an astrology software AstroQuick for macintosh Technical support astrology softwares AstroQuick

AstroQuick Web Code Registration

Until your AstroQuick software is registered, each time you run the program, the register dialog prompts you to enter your coordinates: name, adress and Serial Number.

To get a temporary code, you have to enter your AstroQuick Web Code that is displayed in this registration window ->.
For example, here the web code is 6764.

Please notice this code to fill the
order form.

This temporary code is delivred by email and let you use AstroQuick waiting for the final customer code which is sent by postal letter.

Nota: Web code is not required for customer registration. The serial number you receive is permanent and suitable on any Mac (temporary codes only works only on one Mac).
AstroQuick Registering Window
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