astrologie logiciels applications AstroQuick Astrology software AstroQuick Mac PC Astrologie AstroQuick 10 Parc Club du Millenaire - 1025 avenue Henri Bequerel F 34000 Montpellier T.+33 0 761 039 882
Astrology software Macintosh AstroQuick
Astrology software for Apple Macintosh astrology shareware Mac OS X classic professionnal astrology software Macintosh OS X free download Astrology personal reports natal forecast Free download astrology shareware for mac os Order an astrology software AstroQuick for macintosh Technical support astrology softwares AstroQuick
AstroQuick's Astrology software free download
Select the software you want to download clicking onto it's icon.

Astrology software AstroQuick BASIC
Software package  (3,5 Mb)

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Astrology software AstroQuick LIGHT
Shareware package  (2,5 Mb)

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german astrology GERMAN VERSIONS
Update standard version to AstroQuick German application.
You must install first the Full package software, then download the german application BASIC or LIGHT and put this application in the "AstroQuick Folder".
  german astrology shareware free   german astrology software

Other Software update:
 •  AstroQuick complete interpretation for natal chart.
Please use your AstroQuick to go to the customer support page: Run your AstroQuick and select the "AstroQuick Online Help & Update" from the "Help" menu. This feature is not available for unregistered users.
 •  Registered users of previous AstroQuick releases (before 5.5) can get a copy of AstroQuick 5.2 software package by email. Please contact astroquick support.

After downloading, your browser will automaticly expand the software installation image on your desktop.
If an error occurs, you will have to drag the software archive icon on the Stuffit™ Expander™ application.
If you don't yet have this application
, or if your version is too old, you can get it free @ Stuffit™ Expander™ web site.

You should carefully read all the terms and conditions of the
license agreement before installing or using the AstroQuick Software. By using the Software, you agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Last change :
March 6, 2006

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