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Astrology software Macintosh AstroQuick
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Installaling AstroQuick softwares
Astrology Software for Apple™ Macintosh™ computers

Find the "Installation AstroQuick.smi" application file that you have just donwloaded:
Astrology software for macintosh installation

... and double-click on it's icon.

A dialog prompts you to confirm your agreement of the AstroQuick License:
macintosh astrology software

If you accept and wish to continue the installation of the AstroQuick software, click the 'I AGREE" button.

The installation program takes some seconds to mount the image disk containing AstroQuick software and it's data:
macintosh astrology software

Now on your Mac Desktop, next to the icon of your hard disk, you can see the image of the disk " Installation AstroQuick ":
astrology software for Mac OS

... double click this icon to open it's window:
astrology shareware for macintosh

As the intructions placed into the window, double-clic the script "install AstroQuick files".
The script takes some seconds to copy the files on your Macintosh™ hard drive…:
astrology shareware for macintosh

Nota : This script may not run if Apple Script™ isn't installed in your Mac OS or if you are using Mac OS X. In this case, you have to copy yourself the files. These are the 3 steps to do it quickly:
1/ Copy of the "AstroQuick folder":

To copy the "AstroQuick Folder", clic it's icon and while you hold down the mouse button drag the icon above the icon of your macintosh "Hard Drive", then ralax the mouse button.

Then, the "AstroQuick folder" is copyed to your hard drive :

2/ Copy of the font"HoroVision.suit":

Mac OS 7.5 to 9.x: Drag the icon "HoroVision.suit", and drop it abovbe the "Systeme Folder" icon. A message prompts you "Font must be in Font folder..." confirm by clicking the "OK" button.

Mac OS X: Drag the icon "HoroVision.suit", and drop it above the "FONTS" foder icon which is in the "LIBRARY" folder of your startup drive.
With Mac OS X, the "HoroVision.suit" must be installed into both system font's folders: "/library/fonts/" AND "System folder:fonts:".

3/ Opening the "AstroQuick folder":

Double-click the "AstroQuick Light folder" which is now into your hard drive to open it

Once the script is executed, the window of the AstroQuick folder is opened:

To launch the AstroQuick application, double-click onto the icon "AstroQuick BASIC" (or "AstroQuick LIGHT").

On first use, the registration window asks you to personalize your copy of AstroQuick Software.

Registering AstroQuick

Until your AstroQuick software is registered, each time you run the program, the register dialog prompts you to enter your coordinates: name, adress and Serial Number.

To get a temporary code, you have to enter your AstroQuick Web Code that is displayed in this registration window ->.
For example, here the web code is 6764.

Please notice this code to fill the
order form.

This temporary code is delivred by email and let you use AstroQuick waiting for the final customer code which is sent by postal letter.

Nota: Web code is not required for customer registration. The serial number you receive is permanent and suitable on any Mac (temporary codes only works only on one single Mac).

AstroQuick Registering Window

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